Don’t Worry About Rare Covishield Side Effects, Expert Says

Don't Worry About Rare Covishield Side Effects, Expert Says

Don’t Worry About Rare Covishield Side Effects, Expert Says

Covishield, a widely used vaccine, has minimal risk of rare side effects (7-8 per million). Dr. Gangakhedkar assures benefits outweigh the risks, especially considering these side effects are most likely after the first dose.


CONTENTS: Covishield Side Effects

Don't Worry About Rare Covishield Side Effects, Expert Says
Don’t Worry About Rare Covishield Side Effects, Expert Says

Covishield: Rare Risk, Big Relief!

Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar recently addressed concerns surrounding rare Covishield side effects linked to the COVID-19 vaccine.

He highlighted that only a small percentage, approximately seven to eight individuals per 1 million vaccinated, may face a rare side effect known as Thrombosis Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), which results in blood clotting issues and decreased platelet levels.

Formerly associated with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Dr. Gangakhedkar pointed out that while there is a minority at risk, the potential side effects are likely to occur within the initial few months, typically within two to three months. He stressed that considering the significant benefits observed among millions of Covishield recipients, the associated risk remains minimal.

As per the epidemiologist cited by News18, the highest risk of side effects is post the first dose, decreasing after the second and being lowest after the third dose.


India’s Vaccine Giant: Covishield’s Secret?

The Covishield vaccine in India was produced by the Serum Institute of India (SII), known as the largest vaccine manufacturer globally.

Covishield Vaccine Risks in Context, Explained by Science

AstraZeneca Admits Rare Clot Risk, Maintains Vaccine Safety

AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical firm that partnered with the University of Oxford for vaccine development, acknowledged in UK court documents the potential rare covishield side effects of Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) linked to its COVID-19 vaccine.

Despite this acknowledgment, the company reaffirmed its dedication to upholding patient safety amid ongoing legal proceedings in the UK.

Daughter Died After Covishield Vaccine

A spokesperson for AstraZeneca extended sympathies to those affected by health issues or the loss of loved ones. They stressed the paramount importance of patient safety, highlighting the stringent standards established by regulatory bodies to ensure the safe use of all medications, including vaccines.


Don’t Google It! Expert Calms Vaccine Fears

Dr. Samiran Panda, a renowned epidemiologist and former senior scientist at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), reassures the public that there’s no need for panic or turning to Google for solutions. He stresses that scientists are actively investigating the situation to provide further clarity and advice. This was reported in an earlier article on TimesWordle.


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